Rodgers' and Hart's Early Collaborations (1919-27)
Class Preparation
- In Broadway :The American Musical, at least read the section on the Broadway musical in the 1920s and '30s (pp.100-105).
- Handout of Class 1 slides
- Class 1 Selected Lyrics from R&H early collaborations: The Garrick Gaities (1925), Dearest Enemy, The Girl Friend, The Garrick Gaities of 1926, Betsy, and A Connecticut Yankee. The first of the YouTube playlists below features recordings of these songs.
YouTube Links & Playlists
- Songs from the Class 1 Lyrics Handout
- Complete 1929 short film Makers of Melody (18 min.)
- Class 1 Videos (those actually shown in class--a couple of songs from the "Makers of Melody" film couldn't be separately included in a playlist)