Hamilton (2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama)
Class Preparation
- Read Broadway: The American Musical, pp. 448-52
- Handout of class slides (for both Class 6 musicals)
- Hamilton Selected Lyrics
YouTube Links & Playlists
- OLLI's very own Betina Huntwork is a HUGE Hamilton fan, and she has put together a massive playlist of Hamilton-related YouTube videos for this class (over three hours' worth, by my estimate!) There are White House performance(s), Tony broadcast performances, and behind-the-scenes features on nearly every aspect of the show. Here's the LINK.
- YouTube also offers (for free) a 2017 documentary Hamilton: One Shot to Broadway. To be honest, it's not endlessly fascinating, focusing more on commentators' reactions than on actual performance footage. LINK
- This is a YouTube playlist of the videos shown in class, plus a couple of others: Hamilton Stage Performances (Public Theater, Broadway, Tony Awards)